Marketing yourself and your Hypnotherapy Practice

If you have read the E Myth, you will be familiar with the different roles you might play in setting up a business.  And if you are a Hypnotherapist setting up your practice, you might find yourself having to wear many different hats.

Can you do it all on your own?

To an extent you can do some of it, but there might come a time when you need a fresh set of eyes or some help in areas where you don’t really have the expertise. You then have to make the choice between spending time … which if you are getting busy seeing clients will cost you money…. or spending the dollars on the services of an expert.

One way to keep the costs down is to create a group to engage an expert in a particular field and for Hypnotherapists based in Melbourne (Australia), I have a Marketing expert who is happy to work with a group of 8, meeting you every 3 months to mastermind your marketing strategies.

To express your interest in this, contact me via the form below and I will get back to you regarding venue and price.